24 June 2009

Kai Xin as of 24 June 2009

Dear all,

Thank you for all your prayers, support and donations. I hope those who have been asking for our email or contact numbers would understand that we could not possibily entertain all calls or enquiries on our own. Rest assure you that all comments and emails directed to this blog will be looked into not only by myself but also but some friends whom I've entrusted them to manage this blog.

At the moment, myself and Huey Jing are working during the day whilst Kai Xin is taken care of by her babysitter alternating with my mother at the hospital. After work, Huey Jing and I, took over and take care of Kai Xin during the night and we go to work from hospital the next morning. It's very tiring and taxing but we have to do it for Kai Xin's sake.

At the moment, there isn't much improvement on Kai Xin's weight and her condition can be good on some days but not so favourable on certain days. Hence, the doctor in UMSC is urging the liver transplant team to reconsider and have the transplant done soonest possible.

We will update once there is any further development.

Thank you.



Jassmen on 24 June, 2009 15:58 said...

just make a litle contribution to Kai Xin and hope it will help.

Unknown on 24 June, 2009 17:39 said...

I would suggest that you keep us posted on the shortfall in donation. It will definitely encourage more donation especially to those who have not donated yet or those who are willing to contribute more due to the shortfall......with metta to Kai Xin

Cynthia on 24 June, 2009 20:38 said...

I came across this only today.. as I have not been following up with the papers :) I Pray that GOD will give you the strength, the power to stay strong. I Pray for Kai Xin able to meet the required weight. I Pray for her to be able to lead for a healthy life.

I posted a link in my blog too and hopefully it helps to create further awareness.


Unknown on 25 June, 2009 07:41 said...

Take care!! May God blessing always be with Kai Xin & your family.

The Lokes on 25 June, 2009 09:30 said...

Thank you Jassmen, Ivy, Cynthia and LT


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