17 March 2014

Please help Elynna Cheah

It’s 2014. Chinese New Year festive has just gone not so far, and we just stepped into month of March. 12 Mar afternoon, I have received a call from a mother (who got my mobile no. from her facebook’s friend) said that her daughter was diagnosed Biliary Atresia and failed Kasai operation and need to carry out liver transplant as soon as possible. It is very unfortunate to hear this kind of news and I had tried my best to help and share with her on how she and her husband can reach the “destination” (liver transplant to save her baby girl ‘Elynna Cheah’).

Well, at this stage fund and spirit support is very important for the family to ride thru and over this storm.

Fund, they are soliciting the fund from public through newspaper (China Press and Nanyang Press already released the news during last weekend). It is a positive move and good start for the journey.

Secondly, spirit support from family, relatives, friends and those anonymous who will soon become friends. No matter is Chinese, Indian, Malay and other races, they are willing to help out in various ways such as fund donation, diet supplement donation, and even pray for you with their own religious and so on.

This again will show us the kind of human beings. At here, The Lokes family wish Elynna Cheah get well soon and Kai Xin’s motto “Never give up, miracle is always there”.

You may read more about Elynna Cheah on her blog http://elynna2509.blogspot.com/.

踏入2014,很快地春节已静悄悄的溜走了。3月12 的中午,我接到了一通电话,电话的一端是一位身为人母的妈妈述说她女儿患上了胆道闭锁症和在60天内做了胆管引导手术失败以导致如今胆红素(人称黄)上升。孩子名谢琬雯将近6个月大,医生已检查孩子的肝已逐渐硬化了,功能不好也令其腹水滞留在身上。





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